SystemsConfocal Microscopy Solution

CSU-X1 spinning Disk Confocal

Faster, Brighter, and More Versatile



   More versatile
   Powered by MetaMorph software platform

Schematic cut-away diagram showing a Yokogawa Electric Corporation spinning disk confocal unit.

This unit includes the motorized spinning pinhole disk, as well as a micro-lens disk and can be mounted to the camera port of a microscope to provide confocal images. The unit pictured can accommodate two cameras observing different wavelength channels, due to the internal dichroic beam splitter and filter wheels.

From Zeiss Campus: http://zeiss

Microlens disk focuses illumination light through pinholes of primary disk. Returning light from the sample is separated by a dichroic mirror to scan across the sensor of a CMOS or CCD camera.

From Graf, R, J Rietdorf, and T Zimmermann. 2005. “Live Cell Spinning Disk Microscopy.” Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol 95: 57-75.

Block Diagram
 Up to 1 000 fps (standard) – Fastest speed spinning disk for 3D confocal imaging (micro-lens enhanced Nipkow disk scanning) | No trade-off needed, better accuracy for fast cell dynamics
 50µm pinholes optimized for high NA objectives
 Multi-beam scanning (1 000) increases scanning speed, but also results in significantly lower photobleaching and phototoxicity | Gentler imaging enabling better imaging of delicate specimens
 Filter wheel with six filter positions (in high-end model) | Optimal flexibility for multichannel imaging
 Powered by MetaMorph software | Expand CSU-X1 with multi-modal imaging capabilities & performance


 Membrane biology (Vesicle trafficking)
 Cell motility
 Cell Division
 FRET imaging
 Ion Imaging
 Sub-cellular dynamics
 Multi-color imaging Long-term

 Multi-dimensional live cell imaging
 Electrophysiology (neuronal – cardiac – muscle – optogenetics)
 Intra-vital imaging (Brain – In-situ vasculature – Blood flow))





spinning disc confocal set up

NeurImag imaging facility – INSERM U894 – IPNP
102-108 rue de la Sante, 75014 Paris
Contact person: Ms Lydia DANGLOT                ✉

Fluorescence imaging, Confocal imaging

Inverted microscope capable of confocal imaging, equipped with glycerol immersion objectives.
CSU-X1 Spinning disc
Hamamatsu Gemini-2C
 2 Flash 4.0 Hamamatsu cameras
 Lasers: 405nm (200mW) – 488nm (180mW) – 561 (300 mW) – 640 (400 mW) – 730 (100 mW)
 Errol-Laser STARSCAN

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